
ライド・ザ・ライトニング vol. 21

2015-11-26(木)19:00 - 22:00 JST


〒106-0031 東京都港区西麻布2-21-22 West Azabu 2F


デザイナー + 開発者 + ビール + ライトニングトーク!

Join us for the 21th edition of the Ride the Lightning meetup on the evening of November 26th at the AQ offices. For this edition, our speakers will explore data analysis, machine learning and web design.

Inbal Horev: Machine learning in ten minutes
Shuhei Iitsuka: Machine Learning for Engaging Web Design
Marion Bouguet: How to run data analysis when you have no idea where to start ?

Inbal Horev
Currently a research student at the University of Tokyo, Inbal works on machine learning problems for real-world applications such as neurological data analysis and computer vision. Focusing on statistics and mathematical optimization, she is interested in providing solutions which are both practical and theoretically sound. Inbal holds a M.Sc in computer science from the Wiezmann Institute of Science.

Shuhei Iitsuka
A web developer at Google. Shuhei is also doing research work at the university of Tokyo as a PhD candidate student to discover new approaches to improve web service performances with completely data-driven way.

Marion Bouguet
Marion is a full-stack web developer at AQ since september 2014. Originally studied system programming and AI in Paris, she moved to web in the years after school. A great fondness for AI made her wish to find a way to find this field back on the web side.


Ride the Lightning

Ride the Lightning

デザイナー + 開発者 + ビール + ライトニングトーク! アプリやサービス開発の話題で一緒に盛り上がりましょう。参加は無料です。気軽に、AQのオフィスに遊びに来てください!
